I help business owners, solopreneurs, and personal brands build professional landing pages without the hassle. 


Hi, I'm Chad. In this crazy world we live in, it seems like getting a professional looking landing page without a bunch of stress and flushing money down the toilet is a nightmare. I help people looking to make money online or get more traction for their business get a nice landing page for a low investment. 

Instead of charging $1500-2000 for a landing page, I'm building landing pages starting at $1. WHAT?! WHY? HOW?  Well, that's a really good question... or three.

You see, I want to make websites incredibly affordable and have come up with a great way to do it... the #BumpSale method. Basically, any time someone buys their page, the price will go up $1. So the first person who buys will pay $1, the second will pay $2, the third will pay $3, the 100th will pay $100. You get the gist. 

So if you're ready to #BuyNow...

Once you've purchased, click the "x" to redirect to the information form.

If you're not ready to buy now... continue scrolling.


Why hire me to build your page?

I have been building websites since I was in middle school... professionally. I built my first revenue-producing website in the 8th grade and monetized it with ads. Once that site became successful, I started building websites for local businesses. Now, I own a sought after website design agency that helps service businesses around the country turn their browsers into buyers. If your project is a little larger than a landing page, hire my agency Imphasis.

How does it work?

The process is pretty straight forward...

STEP 1: Buy your page. The price will be listed below. When this page launches the price will be $1 and it will go up each time someone orders.

STEP 2: Fill out our information form so we know what to build your page about, have the content to add, and are able to get to work ASAP.

STEP 3: We get working on your page to your specifications in the information form.

STEP 4: We deliver your page to you on a silver platter and you get to share it far and wide!

What's the catch?

Of course there has to be a catch, right? So there really isn't a catch. You get to buy your landing page at face value and what is promised to you will be delivered. Because of the nature of this product, the scope will be strictly defined so all expectations are managed on the front end.

What's included? What's the scope of work?

Your landing page will consist of up to two (2) total pages. A main offer page and a thank you page. The page will include only what is given to us in the information form. We are not writing your page or coming up with the concept of your offer. If you need help with this, feel free to contact our agency to get a quote. If you need us to connect the form we provide to your CRM or email marketing software, we are happy to do so. Any special requests may incur an additional fee. We will not charge you for anything without your permission.

Are there any hidden fees?

The landing page is bought for the advertised price, no strings attached. However, there is a page hosting fee to ensure your landing page is up at all times. The hosting fee is $10/month or $100/year if you decide to pay annually. The first month is included in the cost of the landing page. Too high? You're getting a great deal on a landing page, $10 is a steal! 

SPECIAL OFFER: For the first 100 customers to buy a landing page, you will get one year of hosting for FREE. Basically, if you paid $100 or less, you get this offer.

How long does it take?

Once you buy your page, it is your responsibility to fill out the information form as quickly as possible. Once your form has been submitted, your page will be available within one week. 

Can I update my page once it has been created?

After we have launched your page, you have 14 days to request revisions. Due to the nature of this product, after 14 days, you must submit a new order for us to create a new page.

Can I use my own domain name?

Of course! When you fill out the information form, you can input the domain or subdomain you'd like us to use. If you don't have a domain, no problem! We will create a subdomain for you (yourproject.pagesbuilt.com). If you need to buy a domain, visit GrabThatName.com to get your own .com, .net, .co, or other domain ending!

How many pages can I buy?

You can buy as many pages as you want or need. If you are the first one to buy, you could technically buy 10 pages for less than $60... that's a pretty good deal! (And you get free hosting for the first year if you're among the first 100 customers!)

How do I buy a page?


Once you've purchased, click the "x" to redirect to the information form.
